Vote for Michael Rivera PR City Council District 3
Michael Rivera supports keeping Downtown Parking free, maintaining the small town charm, cutting waste from the budget and paying down the debt. Michael has been involved in city governance for a long and has been a Planning Commissioner, a Parks and Recreation Commissioner and worked for the Private Industry Council. Those of us who personally know Michael can attest to his character, his desire to reform Paso Robles and that he cannot be bought by special interests. He will work to broaden the economic base, balance the budget, pay off debt, keep taxes low and make sure that constituents are listened to. Michael Rivera is the perfect candidate for District 3.
Vote for Linda George for PR City Council District 1
Linda George was a proponent of the referendum that defeated paid parking. She understands the needs of small business and was a fearless warrior on their behalf of Downtown merchants. Linda George loves being on the side of the underdog against special interests. She is running because her opponent Sharon Roden has consistently voted against the interests of her constituents. Roden voted to charge from the very first minute of parking. Linda understood how dreadful that was going to be for Downtown Merchants and acted. Linda will work for lower taxes, balanced budget, keeping the small town charm of Paso Robles, fixing the roads and making government work for the people.